Southern Hive Honey Company
What is Propolis?
Honeybees gather propolis, a resin, from tree bark and leaves. They combine this resin with nectar, creating a mix of wax, pollen and bee bread. They then use this substance to seal their hives, protecting it from outside contaminants and making it less drafty when it is cold. When a worker bee dies inside the hive its body is wrapped in propolis so it doesn't contaminate the rest of the hive. They also use propolis at the entrance to the hive to sterilize themselves as they come and go.
Ancient Healer
While propolis is just now enjoying a rediscovery, its usefulness can be traced back to the time of Hippocrates, who used it to heal sores and ulcers, internally and externally. Through the ages historical documents record its use. Culpepper's Complete Herbal refers to ointments of Propolis for inflammation and fever. In WWII, it was used by the Soviet Union to treat battle wounds. Proppolis is an excellent natural antibiotic and immune system booster.
Nature's Penicillin
Synthetic antibiotics carry with them side effects - propolis, a natural antibiotic, has no such side effects. Propolis has also been shown to fight bacterial strains that have become resistant to synthetic antibiotics. One component of honeybee propolis, caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), is known for its anticancer, anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating properties from 'Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA, Aug. 1996". Although the molecular basis for these properties isn't known, propolis has been used to stimulate immune responses, soothe allergies, and reduce susceptibility to colds and flu. In cultures, propolis inhibits the growth of various viruses and fungi including herpes, influenza, rota, candida and aspergillus. Many bacteria are also affected, including Clostridium, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus. Propolis is active against bacteria isolated from people with upper respiratory infections, including penicillin-resistant strains. Propolis promotes pharmaceutical antibiotics, including streptomycin, penicillin, neomycin and tetracycline; the combined products act synergistically. Propolis can be taken in conjunction with prescribed medications but not in place of them.
Active Compounds
from "Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly, Propolis, and Honey," by Rita Elkins, M.A. Dr. K. Lund Aagaard who is considered a well qualified authority on propolis has said, "Nineteen substances of different chemical structure have been identified so far." These compounds include a number of substances which belong to the flavonoid family including betulene and isovanillin. More than 180 compounds have been identified in propolis, and many are biologically active. Flavonoids are abundant, including many that are anti-inflammatory, antiallergenic, antioxidant, antimutagenic and antispasmodic.​
Vitamin and Mineral Content
from "Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly, Propolis, and Honey," by Rita Elkins, M.A.
According to researchers at the Second Leningrad Scientific Conference on the Application of Apiculture (bee culture) in Medicine, Bee Propolis is rich in:
Vitamin A (carotene)
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B3
an array of bioflavonoids
NOTE: Propolis contains 500 more bioflavonoids (vitamin P) than is found in oranges.
Except for vitamin K, Propolis has all the known vitamins. Of the fourteen minerals required by the body, Propolis contains them all with the exception of sulfur.
Propolis is comprised of 50 percent to 70 percent resins and balsams, 30 percent to 50 percent wax, 5 percent to 10 percent Bee Pollen and 10 percent essential oils.
Like Royal Jelly and Bee Pollen, Propolis also contains a number of unidentified compounds which work together synergistically to create a perfectly balanced, nutritive substance.
Amino Acids
from "Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly, Propolis, and Honey," by Rita Elkins, M.A.
Sixteen amino acids have been identified in Propolis.
from "Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly, Propolis, and Honey," by Rita Elkins, M.A.
antibacterial, antiviral, antibiotic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant
Primary Applicationsof Propolis
cold sores
sore throats
nasal congestion
respiratory ailments
skin disorders
respiratory infections
What is Bee Pollen?
As the bees collect nectar from the flowers, they also gather pollen by rubbing inside the bloom. Pollen comes from every type of flower on earth. Bee Pollen is one of the richest natural foods ever discovered, and the incredible nutritional and medicinal value of pollen has been known for thousands of years. Throughout history, bee pollen has been used as a food. The Chinese, Egyptians, ancient Romans, and the Anglo-Saxons, among many others, regarded bee pollen to be very beneficial to health. Bee pollen provides those chemical substances from which are used to create glands, muscles, hair and vital organs. In addition, it also furnishes those essential materials that are necessary for the repair of any worn-out cells or tissues. Bee pollen contains most of the known nutrients, including all of those necessary for human survival. When compared to any other food, it contains a higher percentage of all necessary nutrients. Bee pollen is approximately 25% complete protein containing at least 18 amino acids. In addition, bee pollen provides more than a dozen vitamins, 28 minerals, 11 enzymes or co-enzymes, 14 beneficial fatty acids, 11 carbohydrates, and is rich in minerals, the full spectrum of vitamins, and hormones. It is low in calories.
When first starting a bee pollen regimen you need only take a single pollen grain, adding one every day until you have reached a tea spoon. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not use bee pollen. The greatest risk of allergic reactions exists with the direct consumption of pollen. This, however, can be avoided by consuming pollen mixed with honey or packed in capsules, which will prevent direct contact with any mucous membranes. Once in the digestive tract, the body generally does not show any allergic reaction. Again, careful trials by sensitive individuals are recommended.
Chemical Composition of Bee Pollen (per 100 parts)from "Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly, Propolis and Honey", by Rita Elkins, M.A.
Amino Acids
arginine4.7 pts.
partshistidine1.5 pts.
partsisoleucine4.7 pts.
partsleucine5.6 pts.
partsmethionine1.7 pts.
partsphenylaline3.5 pts.
partsthreonine4.6 pts.
partstryptophan1.6 pts.
partsvaline6.0 pts.
partsglutamic acid9.1 pts.
Vitamins (per 1,000 milligrams of Bee Pollen)
Thiamine (vitamin B-1)9.2mg
Riboflavin (vitamin B-3)18.50mg
Niacinamide (vitamin B-3)200mg
Pyridoxine (vitamin B-6)5mg
Pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5)30-5-mg
Folic acid3.64-6.8mg
LactoflavinVitamin A (carotenoids).5-.9mg
Vitamin C7-15mg
Vitamin E
Trace Minerals (per 1,000 milligrams of Bee Pollen)
Potassium600 mg
Other Minerals
Bee Pollen also contains 17 percent of rutin (vitamin P).
Gonadotropic and Estrogenic
HGH (human growth hormone factor)
Primary Applications of Bee Pollen
Appetite (can act as a stimulant)
Blood builder
Capillary weakness
Chronic fatigue
Immune system booster
Kidney disorders
Menopausal symptoms
Prostate diseases
What is Royal Jelly?
Royal Jelly is the most complex and nutritious food produced by nature, and is the staple diet of the Queen Bee, which lives 50 times longer than workers bees. Royal jelly is a thick, milky-white substance made from bee pollen in the bodies of nurse bees who care for the brood's eggs. It offers an abundance of B vitamins as well as vitamins A, C, D and E. It also contains 20 amino acids, fatty acids, potassium, calcium, zinc, iron, manganese and acetylcholine. This milky substance also contains gamma-globulin, an immune-stimulating substance, helping to preserve the youth of the human body. Royal jelly also contains collagen and lecithin which benefit the skin. Concentrated royal jelly moisturizes dry skin and soothes dermatitis. Additionally, royal jelly contains several other compounds that help lower cholesterol. A review of controlled studies concluded that in humans, 50 to 100 mg royal jelly per day decreased total cholesterol by 14 percent and triglycerides by 10 percent.
Royal Jelly is undoubtedly nature's best-kept secret. Nurse bees that are between 6 to 14 days old produce this "milk" called fresh Royal Jelly exclusively for the Queen and the larvae. The queen feeds only on fresh Royal Jelly, while the larvae that consume fresh Royal Jelly in the first seventy two hours of their life become queens and those that do not become worker bees. Worker bees live 5 to 6 weeks; whereas, the queen lives 3 to 4 years.
Royal jelly is also rich in nucleic acids, RNA and DNA. Gelatin, another significant component, is one of the precursors of collagen, mentioned above, which is another component of royal jelly. Collagen is an anti-aging element that keeps the skin looking smooth and youthful.
The benefits include: increases energy, endurance and stamina levels, strengthens the immune system - increasing resistance to disease and reducing stress; helps maintain and enhance hair, nails and skin tone; promotes general feeling of well being; - helps arrest vascular diseases, anemia, arthritis and liver ailments. -from "Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly, Propolis, and Honey," by Rita Elkins, M.A.
Primary Applications of Royal Jelly
Menopause Related Symptoms
Chronic Fatigue
Skin Blemishes and Wrinkles
Immune System Stimulant
Viral and Bacterial Infections
Endocrine System Disorders
Hormonal Imbalances
Coronary Artery Disease
High Cholesterol Levels
High Blood Pressure
Broken or Weak Bones
Bladder Infections
Wound Healing
Liver Ailments
Impaired Memory
Panic or Anxiety Attacks
Parkinson's Disease
Anabolic Support (Athletic Abilities)
Weak or Tired Eyes
What is Beeswax?
Beeswax is produced by bees in the form of tiny scales which are "sweated" from the segments on the underside of the abdomen. To stimulate the production of beeswax the bees gorge themselves with honey and huddle together to raise the temperature of the cluster. To produce one pound of wax requires the bees to consume about ten pounds of honey.
At normal hive temperature of 37C (100F), wax can support a considerable weight and yet still be molded by the bee's jaws. Beeswax melts at 64C (147F). The uses for beeswax are many but these days the most common are for better quality Candles, soap, skin care products, hair care, fly fishing, the coatings of sweets and pills, furniture polish, batik art, putting on drawer runners to make them slide smoothly and in quilting and heavy sewing as it's put on the thread to ease its passing through tough materials. We also have industrial companies buying beeswax to help lubricate their machines.
Primary Applications of Beeswax
Sliding desk drawers
Sliding patio door tracks
Lubricating wood screws for easy threading
Waxing and quilting and sewing thread
Waterproofing leather shoes and boots
Preparing furniture polishes
Hand dipped and poured candles
Waxing drill bits
Waxing zipper
Cast-iron cleaner and sealer
Waterproofing seams on tents and tarps
Waxing snow skis, sleds, and ice skates
Grafting wax for fruit tree grafting
Fly tying
Waxing crossbow and bow strings
Outboard motor cables and parts
Fishing rods and reels
Ammunition loading
Dry/squeaky fan belts
Seatbelt latches and releases
Door latch posts on car doors
Lip balm
Facial/hand creams
-Molan PC. The antibacterial activity of honey, Part 1 and Part 2. Bee World 1992
-Duke JA, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Data Base ( 1999.
-Greenaway W, The composition and plant origins of propolis: a report of work at Oxford. Bee World 1990
-Krell R. Value-added products from bee keeping. Agricultural Services Bulletin 124; 1996.
-Iannuzzi J. Royal jelly: mystery food, in three parts. American Bee Journal 1990
-Devito D. Beekeeping, A Primer on Starting a Hive 2010
-Furusawa E, Antitumor potential of pollen extract on Lewis lung carcinoma, 1995
-Wang et al., 1984
-Denis, 1966 and Ask-Upmark, 1967
Eucalyptus honey comes from one of the larger plant families, containing over 500 distinct species and many hybrids. As may be expected with such a diverse group of plants, eucalyptus honey varies greatly in color and flavor. Eucalyptus Honey tends to be a stronger flavored honey, rich and distinctive, and is a full-bodied treasure that adds an extra dimension to recipes. It tends to have a special herbal flavor carrying a hint of menthol.
Rabbit Bush
Chamiso aka Rabbit Brush is an evergreen brush prevalent throughout the South West. Native Americans often used the flowers of the Chamiso to make tea for curing various illnesses including dizziness and lack of focus. The healing properties of the Chamiso brush can be felt in its honey. The honey itself has an amber color with hints of orange and particulates with an aroma of orange peel, some barnyard and floral qualities, with a dense with nutty, hazelnut taste.
Carrot blossoms are naturally an excellent source of nectar for honeybees. Carrots that are harvested for their roots are plucked from the ground before their flowers blossom, so Carrot Blossom Honey can only be made from carrot fields that are not intended for harvest and consequently, is not a widely produced honey varietal. Harvested from April to October, this honey can be quick to crystallize. The aroma is particularly intense, with a rapid progression of coconut, mustard, and notes of carrots. It has a very mellow sugar profile with hints of cedar, herbs, pepper, earth and musk with an attractive, but slightly tannic, finish.